Creating our movie for the Interstellar project was quite an interesting process. We brainstormed some ideas, and got together to film some clips for the video. Basically, our world was completely submerged in water as a result of a climate crisis, and the government withheld information from the public as to how serious it really was. Our mission as time travelers was to travel back to 2022 to release the information. We filmed some clips on campus of us "time traveling back" and some clips of us using a computer to release the information (very dramatically). It was fun for us to do this part. Then, I edited the clips together using iMovie and added a few articles we created about the after-effects of us releasing this info. I always enjoyed editing videos so this part was enjoyable for me. Overall, the whole project encouraged us to be super creative and make a whole storyline. It was a very unique experience which I really enjoyed.