Blade Runner
- Taking place in 2019 (made in 1980s)
- Replicants – robots almost identical to humans
- They are declared illegal – the blade runners are ordered to kill any replicant upon trespassing
- Super advanced technology portrayed
- Replicates have been found – slaughtering people and trying to break into Tyrell
- Roy Batty – a replicant
- Differentiating between robot and human – Yuring test
- Replicants do not know they are replicants – “she is beginning to suspect”
- Implant memories in replicants
- Roy wants to know about his creation – he has figured out he is a replicant
- Rachel crying – is she a replicant if she has emotion?
- She says here’s a picture with my mother and talks about her childhood memories – but decker says they are implanted
- JF Sebastian – genetic designer
- He finds Pris on the street and lets her in
- Decker analyzing Rachel’s photo that she left at his apartment – trying to find the woman in the back of the photo
- He finds the woman and retires her – she was a replicant
- Rachel disappeared – something to do with her brain implants
- When Deckard is attacked, Rachel kills the replicant attacking him
- “I’m not in the business, I am the business”
- Replicants eyes kind of glow red in the lighting
- “I think therefore I am”
- “there’s a little bit of me in you”
- Roy meets Tyrrell –
- Calls Roy the prodigal son
- Kisses Tyrrell – then kills him
- Deckard kills pris
- Roy wants to kill Deckard
- Roy is starting to die
- Fighting with Deckard
- Roy saves him from the ledge
- Symbols of Roy’s line: dove, Orion, Tannhauser gate, tears in rain
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